Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Tonal Landscapes

Our student teacher, Mrs Paton, has been teaching us about tints and tones using paint.  We have created these amazing landscapes.

We started with the 'true' colour in the middle of the page and then gradually added more white as we moved up the page.  Once we had reached the top, we then returned to the true colour and worked our way down the page, this time adding black.  We learnt that a tiny bit of black goes a long way - you don't need to add much to make the colour darker.  Some of the other things we had to consider were:

  • not making the pencil lines too dark (otherwise you can see them through the paint; and
  • making sure we mixed enough of each tint or tone. 

These artworks look absolutely stunning on the walls of our classroom.  Thank you Mrs Paton for teaching us these skills.  It has been fun!

1 comment:

Nick Fitzgerald said...

Wow, These landscapes look amazinig Room 20. I'm so jealous I can't produce art like this, you have such a talented class Mrs Graham. They remind me alot of the landscapes in Costa Rica when the sun is setting, and you can see mountains beyond mountains, each in a lighter tone. I had a quick look through some of your work on your own blogs... I'm so impressed! Keep up the fantastic work. Mr Fitz