Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Maths Olympiad

Well today was the day of the 2013 Maths Olympiad.  Room 20 has been busy having a go at practice questions over the last week and a bit and we were hoping that it would pay off today.

At Elm Park, we have a Maths Olympiad Challenge each year.  It is a bit like a team problem solving relay.  Each class enters two teams who have 30 minutes to answer 20 questions.

Room 20 was represented by Anahita, Zhaoyu, Hubert and Lee (Team 1) and Maddison, Catherine, Louis and Charlie (Team 2).

The competition was fierce.  All teams got stuck on questions 2 and for a long time there was not a lot of movement on the points table.  At this point many teams opted to pass, but Team 2 stuck with it and was one of only two teams to solve the question correctly!

But it was Team 1's day.  Once they had gotten past that small hurdle they were away and eventually took out the title!  Congratulations team!  You were fantastic representatives for Room 20.

The four winners will have their names engraved on the Elm Park Maths Olympiad Trophy, and will go on to represent Elm Park at the Mathex Competition later in the year.

Team 1: Anahita, Lee, Hubert, Zhaoyu

Team 2: Charlie, Catherine, Maddi and Louis

 Room 20 supporting our teams

Today was also the day for the Teacher's Maths Olympiad where teachers put themselves in the students shoes and race to solve maths problems.  There were four teams including Mrs Graham's "Divide and Conquer" team.   Unfortunately  "Divide and Conquer" didn't manage to conquer coming in second to Mrs Walker's "Colourful Calculators".  The pace was frenetic but it was lots of fun.

Divide and Conquer


Anonymous said...

Well done guys!
You guys did so great and I'm happy even if you didn't win. Keep it up!
GO ROOM 20!!!

~Sophia :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sophia GO ROOM 20!!!!!!!